Kezzerbird......trying to stay awake

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Hello my lovely mates out there in Macland...just to say that my chemo seems to have kicked in all of a sudden and I am finding it hard to even stay awake at the moment, but the way I look at it is, that if I feel like crap, then so does my cancer, it is getting its butt kicked again and I need all the beauty sleep I can get, believe me!!!!! It is two and a half years in with cancer and the bird keeps on fighting, no matter what, so any one who is having a rough time at the moment, the bird is fighting right along side you. Love and hugs to those who want them....Carol xx

  • FormerMember

    hey carol, your right cancer hates nice restful sleep , so keep going with that ,you def dont need beauty sleep , youve got a beautiful positive personality that will kick the cancers butt everytime ,and i for one feel very lucky to call you my friend , so rest lots ,and keep fighting , love and hugs to you too jenni xxxxx

  • Don't fight the sleep fairy... go with the flow and remember your body has more chance to heal when you're asleep. Sending positive vibes.

    Best wishes,


  • FormerMember

    Chemo is cumulative so after every dose the effect gets stronger but you are right - it is working. I had a mate who, when asked how he was would say "struggling!" He said it was when you stopped struggling was when it's over. I don't have to tell you to pick yourself up, dust youself off and go for it, but I will anyway. Let it run its course - sleep if you want to - go clubbing if you want to - and now the weather is getting warmer, take your vest off and enjoy your garden!

    Keep smiling,




  • FormerMember

    I never thought of it that way.  John has been feeling like crap this time round so let's hope his cancer feels the same way.  

    Don't fight the sleepy feeling - lie back and relax and let the chemo do its work.  

    You sound like a lovely positive lady.  I've seen a lot of your posts on this site and they have always been encouraging.

    *hugs* to you.

    Marjorie x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol

    Chemo is hard on your cancer but is also hard on your body.

    Sometimes all I want to do is sleep and/or do nothing  but that's fine you need your rest to fight!!

    Also if your platlets or red blood cells are a bit low this may add on to your tiredness.

    So have your rest, and take a nap if you feel like it.

    Take it easy and feel better !

