Just another bog standard blog,but it's my story.

  • A short update


    Yesterday went for what was supposed to be the last chemo session,but onco, has decided to have a CT scan done to see exactly what is going on with the cancer so maybe I will have more,one has been booked for 12th Jan.......the day a good friend of ours is getting married....we may miss the ceremony but should make the reception.           I also mentioned the severe pain in my joints expecting to be told that it would go…

  • Oh my God?


    I know this is a very sensitive subject but at the time of going to press I am living in a free country where it is still possible( just about) to express MY views.     I was brought up a Catholic, but as soon as I was able to speak my mind and get away with it I stopped going to church.   I used all the excuses I could think of but basically I just couldn't be bothered and wasn't sure there was such a thing as God. 

  • Wigs Wheelchairs and Whisky


    This week has been such a rollercoaster of emotions and events it is difficult to get it all in order,but here goes.   If you read the last blog you will know I had a bit of a downer after my last clinic visit but as always yours truly has picked herself up etc etc.        Some time ago just after my diagnosis I put in a claim on the terminal illness section of my life policy...on the one hand I was really hoping I would get the…

  • Rug pulled from under me


    Wednesday Oct 5th,it has been just 4 weeks since I went to the doctors,in that time I have been scanned(PET and CT) xrayed had a biopsy...the works.     Some days I thought I can't have cancer because I feel well and others felt like I wouldn't survive the week.   Against advice I had already looked up the various lung cancers/treatments/prognosis.    I knew with one type NSCLC I would maybe offered surgery depending on…

  • First clinic visit and a very ironic evening.


    Monday 12th Sept 2011.....I trot off quite happily to the chest clinic and find it is in a new part of the hospital,very smart and welcoming and in the waiting room is the biggest Macmillan display I have ever seen, no problem the clinic is shared by numerous doctors according to the written sign on the wall.    I was soon called by a nurse for weighing ,ECG, blood tests and the inevitable breathing test   no xray because…