A short update

1 minute read time.

Yesterday went for what was supposed to be the last chemo session,but onco, has decided to have a CT scan done to see exactly what is going on with the cancer so maybe I will have more,one has been booked for 12th Jan.......the day a good friend of ours is getting married....we may miss the ceremony but should make the reception.           I also mentioned the severe pain in my joints expecting to be told that it would go away when the chemo is finished    but no   seems i am stuck with it because the chemo has got into the arthritic joints and even places where I was not bothered with arthritis in the past.   Looks like I will be needing that wheelchair for quite some time.   Luckily I had the other half with me so he heard the good news and is much better about the chair now....I might even look to see how much a nice shiny scooter is       just to get me to the local shops.    Needless to say I was more than a bit down yesterday,but I am determined it will not spoil Christmas for me.    I also went to an insurance broker near the hospital and got some quotes for travel insurance which were a bit pricey but doable as I am thinking of taking my girls somewhere nice at Easter all being well.     Think thats it for now so had better go put the sprouts on ready for Sunday or they wont be cooked hahahah(it is Friday after all)                XXXXXXX     Colette
