
  • Sad time


    On Thursday at 7.15pm my step niece lost her fight. Her 2 small children have been told but are so young dont realise quite what this is going to mean for them,.

    My mum had an oncology app the same day, everyones emotions are so over the place at the moment nothing more I can really say.

    But on a good note watched my niece leaving for her prom last night and she looked absolutely stunning.  She has certainly changed…

  • Would of liked to do a positive blog


    I really wanted todays blog to be positive, instead of my usual moaning ones.  Unfortunately fate has stepped in again and I cant, Positive thinking is just not working at the moment.

    Before I start I would just like to thank everyone for their blogs they really do help and I apologise that I haven't replied to any.  I have tried on many occassions to reply each and every one touches me whether its good or bad, and…

  • Need some advice please.


    Well after being told by someone on Tuesday ( who by the way needs to be strike of ) that they couldn't do anything for my mum. That chemo wasn't an option. We have had the worst 2 years.... did I really say 2 years I meant 2 days although it feels like years of our lives.  My family have just gone through hell only to be told by someone different they are doing chemo although it wont shrink it it will contain…



    Well just to update you, mum was due her liver resection operation this morning.  They done a laperscopy first and decided it was not possible to operate. Tumour is to close to an artery. I suppose Chemo will now be next.  The fight now begins.  I think after the initial shock of hearing surgery wouldn't be done the family now just feel numb. Dont really know what else to say, I think for the first time in my life words…

  • what a year !!!


    well where do I start, mum has another scan today. I am worried how my step dad is going to get her into the hospital so early, by the time she has her wash she is exhausted. He has just had hip replacement so dont want to put to much on him.. Was going to go down and help him take her but sods law I had diarrohea yesterday so best stay away...

    Mum looks like the life has been kicked out of her. As my daughter said you…