Need some advice please.

1 minute read time.

Well after being told by someone on Tuesday ( who by the way needs to be strike of ) that they couldn't do anything for my mum. That chemo wasn't an option. We have had the worst 2 years.... did I really say 2 years I meant 2 days although it feels like years of our lives.  My family have just gone through hell only to be told by someone different they are doing chemo although it wont shrink it it will contain it.. To say I am confused is an understatement.  We seem to be getting conflicting stories depending on who you talk to.... Any way to cut a long story short we have now been told that when mum see's the oncologist they want the whole family there all 5 kids and her husband. My stepdad is really struggling with the news, and is now getting himself into even more of a state because he thinks if we all have to be there it can only be the worst news possible. My sister has told him it is because if we are all there, any questions one forgets the other will remember likewise with the information they give us. 

I am so worried about him, in a weird way more so than my mum.  She true to form has taken the news very well. He has fallen apart, shut himself away.  I love him as if he were my real dad and have a very close relationship with him, but at the moment seem to be at a loss as to what to say to him...

Any ideas as to why they would want us all there please.

Before I go I would just like to share this with you it made me laugh so much.  When I spoke to mum yesterday and asked her how she was feeling, she said I am fine just got to accept and take whatever is coming nothing else I can do. Anyway Julie I am not going anyway yet I am to young to die and I haven't planned for it. You know me if I haven't planned for it it aint happening......... Boy that made me laugh typical mum and that attitude is what will help her through this.....   


  • I'm not sure there is anything you can SAY to your step-dad, just be there and give him a hug. If he wants to talk then fine, but if, as you say, he's shutting himself off, then perhaps he needs time to digest the awful news.

    As to the future, I'm sure your practical support will be very much appreciated.

    Best wishes,


  • FormerMember

    Shock affects different people in different ways and this may just be your stepdad's way of dealing with life while he processes the news. Give him a little time to get his head round things and see if he starts to come out of himself a little bit more. I suspect your sister is right, they want you all there because then you all hear the news together and since each person hears things differently you'll be able to piece together the whole of what was said. Never assume the worst, you'll only wind yourselves up, best ot wait and see what they've got to say. Best of luck and keep us posted on how it goes!

    All the best,

    Vikki xxx