Jules43's blog

  • Stem Cell Transplant


    Hi everyone, just thought I would let you know that a stem cell donor has been found for my husband and it appears to be a 100% match!  The next chapter of our journey begins on 20th October with the pre-transplant chemo in order to kill all his own stem cells.  The donor cells will be transplanted on Thursday 27th October a big day!!!!! wanted to share this news with you all.  Much love, Julia xxxx 

  • Eshap treatment Day 2


    Well not a lot happened yesterday!  We thought that on entering the hospital bloods would be taken and then he would be thrown straight into his chemo - no such luck.  We were not warned about having 2 tests prior to bloods, prior to chemo so yesterday was spent waiting endlessly for a kidney function test to take place and bloods and then a heart test which now has to take place at 9.30am this morning! Its is not like…

  • Eshap - chemo day one


    9th August 2011 - today we go into hospital for the first day of a five day treatment of ESHAP chemo.  I will let you know how it goes.  A stem cell donor is still being searched for my husband..... 

  • ESHAP - chemo


    HI, is there anyone out their in Mac Land that has had experience of this type of chemotherapy.  My husband is about to have it next Tuesday and wants to know what if anything to expect.  All views and opinions will be greatly received.

    Julia x 

  • Not a Match!


    Found out yesterday that my husbands sister is not a stem cell match for him!  He took in quite badly actually - more panicky than anything, saying things like ... what if they cant find anyone.

    I guess we move to the donor register now!  Chemo begins 9th August
