Eshap treatment Day 2

1 minute read time.

Well not a lot happened yesterday!  We thought that on entering the hospital bloods would be taken and then he would be thrown straight into his chemo - no such luck.  We were not warned about having 2 tests prior to bloods, prior to chemo so yesterday was spent waiting endlessly for a kidney function test to take place and bloods and then a heart test which now has to take place at 9.30am this morning! Its is not like we caught them unawares, theyve known he was coming in yesterday for a month so they couldve booked these tests.  However, it wasnt done and we spent a day just waiting....... I managed to bring him home last night however which was a bonus that I was thankful for.   Back to it today though.  The psychologist popped into his room yesterday "to have a chat" as soon as I saw her badge I just melted.  I dont know what came over me but I just started crying and she was looking at me like I had lost the plot.  Perhaps I had, who knows.  Everything that I had held inside me over the last few weeks just flowed in the form of tears.  I am not even the patient my husband is.  He said, I dont need you just yet but I think my wife might!  With that, she handed me her card and said "call me".  Just put me in a padded room and I can let it all hang out.! 


Well, we are off to the hospital now so I shall blog you all later on todays events.  Keep your fingers crossed that he gets the drugs today - thats one day closer to him coming home.

Bye for now, much love to you all,

Julia xxxx 

  • FormerMember

    good luck and keep strong, kind regards John

  • FormerMember

    Treatment started today - at long last!  I have just arrived home after leaving him there, many more drugs tomorrow and again until Monday then he can come home.  Roll on Monday.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jules,

    You have been under a lot of strain lately,anmd it must be taking it out of you. See if you can ease off a bit and try and get some me time in.  Look after yourelf.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

    P.S. Im always here if you want to talk.

  • FormerMember

    A lot happened yesterday, despite initially getting off to a slow start.  My husbands picc line was fitted, cleanly and efficiently I must say under a local anaesthetic.  First part of the R-Eshap began later that afternoon and the rest of it has taken place today.  I did not go in to the hospital today as I had to re-fill the fridge, walk the dogs and catch up on housework but I will be there all tomorrow and the weekend and he will be let out on Monday lunch time to rest and recuperate at home for the remaining 2/3 weeks until it starts all over again.  Will let you know what tomorrow brings but so far he has been putting eye drops in his eyes to combat sore eyes and mouth wash in his mouth to combat mouth ulcers. I hope he doesnt get them confused!  His spirit is up so far so long may it continue.  

    Bye for now,

    Julia xxxx