Eshap - chemo day one

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9th August 2011 - today we go into hospital for the first day of a five day treatment of ESHAP chemo.  I will let you know how it goes.  A stem cell donor is still being searched for my husband..... 

  • FormerMember

    Hi there - good luck with the treatment - how do they find a suitable stem cell donor? Do they have a data base of some sort or does it have to be a cloe relative? Kind regards John

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jules,

    All the best to you and your husband. I hope the treatment goes well, with no nasty side effects.  Look after eachother .

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    HI All, thanks for the messages of support, they mean a lot! Ok John in reply to your question, there is a data base that they look through, and after speaking to the transplant co-ordinator yesterday she is confident of finding someone as a match soon.  She said they have a few people they are going to call.... so we took that as a positive.

    The day went very slowly yesterday with my husband having to have various tests before they administered the chemo which meant they did not start it yesteday and hope to start it this afternoon!  He had a kidney function test and is having a heart test this morning at 9.30.  Hopefully they will get the results of these by lunchtime and then they can start the chemo.  On a personal level I felt very teary yesterday - god only knows why, I thought I was doing ok and very business like but then they sent they psychologist around offering her services! I saw her badge and just melted!  She gave me her card and said call me! enough said.  My husband, the cancer patient was fine!  Lets hope for a better day today.  I will let you all know xxxx