
  • Taste changes


    Its true what is said on here your taste doe's change. I am a cold drinker and because of the threat of my throat going into spasm, for 5 days at least I can't drink cold drinks then when I can they taste yuck. Apart from orange juice nothing tastes right. Although Last night I went out for dinner with my partner and I had a sip of his ice cold Guiness and it tasted lovely so he got me half which I enjoyed very…

  • Good girl or daft


    I felt so down on monday which isn't usually me. I got some lovely advice from my freinds on here. So I decided to start exercising again. Before my cancer and after my op I used to go to the gym to power walk for 45 mins and to  swim for 40 mins. My oncologist said I was a fit young woman ( Your not so bad yourself,) I am 55 so I thanked him for saying that. Anyway I swam 40 mins mon and tues, then I power walked wed…

  • Doe's anybody know


    Hello has anybody heard from Danielle or Andy lately. I haven't spoken to Andrew since last week.  I am just a little worried about Danielle I wondered if she has had her second opinion yet.  I hope all is ok . If you read this Andy let us know please we are all your friends on here. Love Julie XX

  • Happy now


    Well I have finally made peace with my mum. Mum called me tonight and we talked for over an hour  We chatted about how I am feeling,about my treatment. Mum likes to tell jokes so we laughed together. I asked her to come with me on 4th for my third treatment and she said she would. I can go to bed happy tonight, not feeling sad not feeling guilty. Tomorrow is another day and one I am looking forward to. Night night every…

  • Thankyou


    A BIG thankyou to all who answered my blog Guilty.

    It is true there is alot of love on this site and I definitely feel it this past 24 hours.

    I haven't yet spoken to my mum, members of my family were present and witnessed the argument, I spent last night on my own, no-one rang me to see how I was, my distress and heartache obviously went unnoticed by my sisters. I still feel guilty about the incident but it is…