Good girl or daft

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I felt so down on monday which isn't usually me. I got some lovely advice from my freinds on here. So I decided to start exercising again. Before my cancer and after my op I used to go to the gym to power walk for 45 mins and to  swim for 40 mins. My oncologist said I was a fit young woman ( Your not so bad yourself,) I am 55 so I thanked him for saying that. Anyway I swam 40 mins mon and tues, then I power walked wed and today. It felt great! I intend to do this on my GOOD week. I know chemo is a cumalative affect so I might be able to do this but I will take each treatment as it comes and if I can I will. Am I a good girl or just plain daft. Hope everyone has a good day. Love Jule xxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Julie...think its good you getting back in the american report says that exercise can help certain cancer patients....(helps their mind and their body to adjust to treatment)...i like you do the same when feeling a bit down....and i feel it helps me keep it up for as long as you wishes ..johnb..x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Julie, exercising can be very uplifting.  Good to see you getting fit again you young thing!

    I joined a gym last year, never having done anything like that before.  I really enjoyed it, especially the treadmill.  Unfortunately it triggered a condition in my foot called Plantar Fasciitis which can be excrucitatingly painful, so that is put on hold for the time being.

    Keep up the good work.  I think you are being exceptionally good.

    Christine xx

  • FormerMember


    I think what you are doing is great...not at all daft!! Its true exercise releases feel good hormones, uplifts mood, increases energy levels and even alleviate symptoms of fatigue. I think as long as your onc thinks its ok which I'm sure he does then go for it!! I joined the gym at the local leisure centre but tend to do the classes mainly. I go in the morning and it sorts me out for the day and I sleep a treat at night. I also feel really in control of something again which is very important to me at the mo. Good luck hun xxxx