Happy now

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Well I have finally made peace with my mum. Mum called me tonight and we talked for over an hour  We chatted about how I am feeling,about my treatment. Mum likes to tell jokes so we laughed together. I asked her to come with me on 4th for my third treatment and she said she would. I can go to bed happy tonight, not feeling sad not feeling guilty. Tomorrow is another day and one I am looking forward to. Night night every body I hope you sleep well. Love Julie XX

  • FormerMember

    So glad your feeling happier Julie, you

    dont really need the upset with loved ones

    when you have to keep positive with your

    treatment. Hope you have a good day

    today, and goodluck on the 4th.

    With Love Lucy Lee

  • FormerMember

    Glad to hear that you have made peace with your mother I know how difficult it must have been for you. But as the old saying goes just take it one day at a time, you have a long journey ahead of you and each day is 1 that you can put behind you. Keep us posted and look after yourself.

    Love Teri

  • FormerMember

    Oh Julie that is good, talking and saying what you need to can work, go one step at a time love, day by day. I am happy for you.................love carol x

  • FormerMember

    Oh Julie that is good, talking and saying what you need to can work, go one step at a time love, day by day. I am happy for you.................love carol x

  • FormerMember

    Oh, am so pleased for you.  Sometimes you need a little blow out to straighten things out.  Glad it has at last been sorted between you and your mum, now everything else should slot into place.

    Sleep well every night now and look after that new man of yours.

    Cherryl xx