Jill D's blog

  • When does it stop

    Hi all. I had a terrible night last night thinking the worst. 2008 was a shocker of a year for me and hoped that 2009 would come right. I had back surgery last year, a burst peptic ulcer due the long term use of anti Inflammatories. A ruptured spleen that had to be removed due to Sugeons medical misadventure. A hernia that was in the line of fire an had to be done then lastly, Kidney cancer which they found while all…
  • Why.

    Why is it that i get up 3 or 4 times during the night. My feet dont seen to do what they are meant to and they feel like they are swollen (but they are not). Every morning i feel like a zombie cause im not sleeping, And have to hold on to my tummy when i cough . Feels like it going to burst. During the day i seem to be ok but by 7pm i am ready for bed as i am buggered. Kidney came out 3 months ago and i thought i would…
  • A little worried

    Hi all. Thought i was coming right but for some reason when i lie down my tummy really hurts. It keeps me awake at night. During the day i am fine. As most of you know i have had my kidney removed and my adrenal gland. They took the kidney out through my tummy as i had major back surgery a year ago. I lay in bed at night and think the worst ie has the cancer spread or should i put it down to early stages yet. Operation…
  • Lonely, here in New Zealand

    Hi all. I am trying to keep myself amused while waiting for the other side of the world to wake. Its 2.40 pm Wednesday afternoon and i know that you are 11 hours behind us so i was just hopeing that someone could not sleep so i could have a chat. Never mind its nice to know that you are all sleeping soundly. Pleasent dreams, catch you all tomorrow. Jill NZ
  • addicted

    I turned the computer on hopeing to chat to someone but you are all asleep. Thats what you get when you are in NZ. It is 5pm Tuesday evening here and im bored.Its neat to be cheered up when i talk to you all. Never mind, i will go and light the Barbie, we are expecting friend for tea. Hope you all have a nice Tuesday when you all wake up. Ours is almost over. Love Jill D