
Less than one minute read time.
I turned the computer on hopeing to chat to someone but you are all asleep. Thats what you get when you are in NZ. It is 5pm Tuesday evening here and im bored.Its neat to be cheered up when i talk to you all. Never mind, i will go and light the Barbie, we are expecting friend for tea. Hope you all have a nice Tuesday when you all wake up. Ours is almost over. Love Jill D
  • FormerMember

    I"m in Auckland and we have a couple of other kiwis on board here - we always have to remember the time differences I guess. What glorious weather we are having - so hot we've now closed all the doors and windows and put on the air conditioning.

    I can't get into chat yet - when I try it says I have to have Java ennabled - I thought I had so I will have to try and solve that little difficulty.

    Enjoy the barbie,



  • FormerMember

    Hi Jill

    How are you and how was your holiday?  Sorry I was not on then. Let me know if you are going back on later.