A little worried

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Hi all. Thought i was coming right but for some reason when i lie down my tummy really hurts. It keeps me awake at night. During the day i am fine. As most of you know i have had my kidney removed and my adrenal gland. They took the kidney out through my tummy as i had major back surgery a year ago. I lay in bed at night and think the worst ie has the cancer spread or should i put it down to early stages yet. Operation was 3 months ago and they gave me the all clear. I dont want the Drs to think it is in my head but i am a little scared. Has anyone had this problem. Thanks Jill NZ
  • FormerMember

    Hi Jill

    Sorry to read that you are not feeling well. I would suggest that you keep going back to the doctors re the pain and asking them for followup. I really don't think you should be in that much pain after 3 mths. What sort of pain relief are you taking? Please PM me if you want to chat privately.

    Sending you (((((((((hugs)))))))))

    Take care


  • FormerMember

    sorry to hear your in pain. You really should get it checked out. apart from that I hope you are feeling better. Love Lyn