Two steps forward One step back.

1 minute read time.
What a topsy turvy day. We set off to catch the 5.15 train this morning having first checked the website which assured us no delays all was running smoothly. Huh. There were no trains due to over running engineering works.We had to drive halfway to London before we could get a train. Never mind we still made it here for the first of today's appointments at 8.30. Things were going well Iron stores normal so no iron needed today.HB 9.9 so no blood needed.Tumor markers CEA and CEA19 both dropping we thought we were on a roll BUT................ Weight down Another kilo oh well we knew it would be. Dr asked if we had any issues I said I thought his arm looked swollen ,no pain or discolouration but to me it looked wrong , she wasnt sure but sent him for an ultrasound which showed multiple clots in the brachial vien around PIcc line and up into his axila This has left us with a dilemma they have only just controlled the gastric bleeding with tranexamic acid but now he needs anti clotting drugs he has a high risk of having a major bleed. Plan is have chemo here at Marsden today then as they do not have a bed here he will be admitted to our local hospital late tonight when we get home for iv heparin he will stay in under observation for a couple of days then have clexane at home x one week then re ultrasound if clots have gone PICC will be removed.. Just when we thought we were on the up. Oh well it could be worse.XX
  • FormerMember

    Mushty, I think these men of ours are in cahoots to make mischief! You must be exhausted with that long day, and the extra drive.  I feel so lucky that we are less than 30 minutes from our hospital. It does always sound though that your team have all angles anticipated and covered, so that must give you a lot of comfort.

    Hopefully Peter's treatment over the next few days will be successful, and you'll be on the up again. Tumour markers dropping though -whoop whoop! Hope you get to your bed at a reasonable hour (though it sounds unlikely) and have a good rest knowing that Peter is in good hands.

    Lots of hugs xx  

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Tina, Peter is still in hospital as we lurch from one issue to another. hope D and you O.K

    Mushty X