Cuddles Don't Work..

1 minute read time.

Things are looking good as Peter completes cycle 2 of the MM-111 trial. his tumor markers are dropping . Hb is holding around 10. so we are expecting  a positive result from the CT and Mugga scans on Tuesday.

The PICC line has been removed. which means weekly canulation for now.

I am giving the daily injections of Tinzaparin. he will have an ultra sound of his arm on 25th March and if no evidence of clots these will be discontinued.

Medication has been reduced to Lanzoprozole fast tab. Iron and the Fentanyl patch.

Side effect from this chemo combo are minimal, hair loss, hand and leg cramps (helped by tonic water)

Even his hospice attendance has been reduced to once a month.

The only ongoing concern is weight loss which continues in spite of our best efforts. I have even taken to firm cuddling in the hope that some of my ample fat stores will stick to him, but this transplant method has not worked yet but I will persevere.

Any way it is a beautiful morning here, we have no appointments today so can enjoy the luxury of freetime, we will be pottering in the garden for a while no doubt bickering over what to plant and where, and enjoying every moment because we know we are lucky to have today.

  • FormerMember

    I really hope you can find a way to bolster Peter's weight up a bit as everything else seems so positive.  I hope that others can take strength from you both in the way you continue to approach matters. I have no doubt that a few tears have been shed along the way but there has clearly been laughter too and that has been so important.  Peter has gone from a man who wanted to open his Christmas presents early to thinking about what easter eggs to buy the grandchildren!

    I think it shows what can be achieved with a positive outlook, determination and sheer bloody mindedness. We need some help from the science side too but when those two things lock together it becomes a strong weapon against this terrible disease.

    We're hoping to get our kids to help with our gardening this weekend but I will think of you both bickering away while I'm moaning about mowing the lawn!


  • FormerMember

    Hey PP if I was paranoid I would say you have been listening to us, as we  were talking about the bobbling on Peters Christmas much for" I wont get the wear out of it"

    We also hope that our journey may help others staged inoperable and offered palliative care. When that care is gold standard. life can still be good with adjustments and the odd wobble.

    Enjoy the sunshine, kids, moaning and mowing. stay well and strong.

    Mushty X

  • FormerMember

    Mushty, I am so glad to read this positive update on Peter.  As PP says, your story is a real example of strength, and I know that many will be gaining comfort and hope from it (myself included!).

    D is feeling better after a tough week with a combination of chemo side effects and enough antibiotics to floor a small elephant! But the sunshine helps to lift the spirits.

    Enjoy the cuddles, and the gardening. You're both more than welcome to come and tackle ours when you're finished!

    Big hugs xx 


  • FormerMember

    Bless you Tina We get great encouragement from you and D, glad he is feeling better Sunshine always recharges the batteries.

    We did a couple of hours in the garden but the Sochi Para Olympics and The Darts took over before the weeding, sorry your estate will have to wait :) LOL

    Hugs Mushty X