
  • looking back


    i was looking through my fiances photos of him strong and healthy and i started to get upset.. not only am i grieving for him, for what he is going through right now but kind of grieving the relationship we never got to have.. see i met him and then 6 months later he got told he had cancer.. our whole relationship has been about him being sick, hospitals, surgeries etc... i miss those short 6 months where we were a normal…

  • very worried


    so yesterday my beautiful terminally ill fiance left for an overseas trip with his sister for three weeks.. as he left i started to panic.. this is what my life will eventually be like.. lonely nights in bed watching tv thinking... feeling sad.. how can i ever live without him? he's everything to me the love of my life! the only thing thats keeping me sane right now is knowning that he will be back... im so scared right…

  • books


    hey all.. as some of you know my boyfriend has terminal cancer.. its been such a long process and its getting tricky.. i find reading bio's and books about other people's experiences helps me a lot... i read amy molloys 'wife inturrupted' about a young widow.. her husband passed away from cancer and she was only 23.. im nearly 25 and id love to read books that are similar...

    thanks :)

  • everyday


    so everyday i wake up thinking it'l be somehow different or easier but its not... so just after revieving the news that my boyfriends prognosis is now terminal, my grandfather passed away.. all in the same week! i feel so numb.. infact i wish i could cry more but its like my body is giving up on me.. it just wants to do nothing and stay numb....

    i just wish i could wake up from this nightmare.. just when i thought…

  • in shock


    ok so i think i finally figured out how to blog on the new mac site! very confusing i must say!


    so here it goes...

    my beautiful boyfriend is 24, and was on his road to recovery after battling stage 4 bowel cancer for a year and a half.. major bowel surgery ended up with a colostomy, liver re section, and two lung operations to remove mets.. all very successful, with chemo and radio.. his poor body was in shock from…