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so everyday i wake up thinking it'l be somehow different or easier but its not... so just after revieving the news that my boyfriends prognosis is now terminal, my grandfather passed away.. all in the same week! i feel so numb.. infact i wish i could cry more but its like my body is giving up on me.. it just wants to do nothing and stay numb....

i just wish i could wake up from this nightmare.. just when i thought it was all over and now its not... does this get any easier.. and... even when its all over.... will i ever be happy again?... i imagine myself being all alone miserable forever...


  • FormerMember

    Hi Missey,

    My thoughts are with you tonight I send you my Strength,Comfort and Support.  Look after yourself

    remember you are never alone. There is always someone here to talk to.

    So take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.  May your Grandfather R.I.P.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Missy,

    Numbness is your body's way of cushioning you from the bad news. It won't last for ever but it will last for a little while, it's normal so don't worry that it's somehow unusual, it isn't. You've got such a huge amount going on in your life at the moment and to even be writing on here instead of shaking in a corner means you're doing brilliantly. Like Sarsfield said, you're not alone, everyone here has been cursed by cancer in some way or another and sadly a lot have been where you are now. Sending you strength and hugs, love Vikki x

  • FormerMember
    I'm so sorry sweetheart , I do think it's harder for the people we might have to leave behind as for us it will be over no more pain or suffering left , I look at my partners eyes and I see the fear there , and it's worse than my own as I can't take it away. There is nothing you can do to change this , you need to be strong for him and if this is now limited time that you have together then please fill it with happy memories that you can keep with you in the dark times ahead , how much nicer to look back on all the fun stuff you did together than all the crying , everyday fill it with a nice memory , something that you did together , bed picnics , walks , nights out with mates , yes it's shitty but it's not over till its over , even now when everything is muffled and numb for you there will be a time when it gets better , you never leave the people you love , you carry them in your heart with you forever , and you will miss them forever , I lost my nan 7 years ago I miss her everyday but I have all those lovely memories to look back on . Deep breaths , big hugs , positive thoughts , now wash your face with cold water , dust yourself down and get out and face the day :-) x
  • FormerMember

    Hi Missy

    Fantastic advice from Allanah!  And she's right - the numbness is a kind of safety valve which gives you time to process what has happened to you and your loved ones this week.  I am so sorry that you have lost your Grandad and hope that eventually you will be able to look back on all the happy times you had with him and smile a little but that will take time.

    Once the numb feeling leaves you, you will be able to start thinking of making happy memories with your boyfriend and although I know how difficult this is why not start with Christmas?  It is highly likely that we will be spending our last Christmas with my kid brother and Mumsy and me are doing our best to try and make this Christmas a good one so that we have some good memories to keep.

    Your strength will come back soon and in the meantime like Sars, I am sending you love and hugs.

    Much love,

    Nin xxxx