Grant’s prostrate cancer Chemo blog

  • Days 1-7 and I’m still here to tell the tale!

    I woke up on day 1, well i say woke up, I’d been awake all night. Just one hour’s sleep. The Dexamethasone saw to that. Gosh that stuff is evil. Thankfully they didn’t send me home with any, just another steroid Perdnisalone. You ta...
  • let’s go and kill some cancer, cycle 1, Day O

    Wednesday 26/06/24 Here I was, flying on the ceiling with lots of Dex tabs running through my veins, outside Scarborough hospital, on a very sunny and hot Wednesday afternoon. I was ready to kill some cancer! This bastard is going to really get it I ...
  • Sleep deprivation with Dexamethsone…

    25/06/24 John the kind chemotherapy nurse had issued me with the Dexamethsone (Dex) at the pre assessment meeting. Their purpose is to reduce reaction to the IV Docetaxel and reduce inflammation and reactions when you get home. 8 tablets in total, th...
  • Chemo pre assessment meeting

    Monday 24/06/24. To get to this point had felt like a long time coming. All the tests, scans, poking and prodding had led to this point. No more waiting. No more lists or letters. Here we were, on a hot sunny day in Scarborough hospital,  in a r...
  • My story up to my chemo beginning to give you the background.

    15/03/24 - I was 56 years old, now just turned 57. I was called in for my old man cholesterol and blood tests. Reluctantly I went to the docs. During the chat. I mentioned that my Dad had prostrate cancer whether the same age as me. It had been cured...