Days 1-7 and I’m still here to tell the tale!

2 minute read time.

I woke up on day 1, well i say woke up, I’d been awake all night. Just one hour’s sleep. The Dexamethasone saw to that. Gosh that stuff is evil. Thankfully they didn’t send me home with any, just another steroid Perdnisalone. You take 2 before breakfast as a little treat! Aside from feeling like I’d just done a long haul back from Australia, zero symptoms, not a dicky bird. I made it till about 7pm and zonked out.

Day 2, again no symptoms. I did feel a bit more rested and I think because the Dexamethasone was still In my system, giving me energy  (takes 72 hours to exit) I was able to have a pretty normal day. We even managed lunch out!

Day 3, I woke up with aches and pains shoulders and back, nothing too bad though, but by mid morning I had nasty pains in my pelvis and groin. More or less where all my cancer is. It’s in my prostrate, obviously Rolling eyes and my lymph nodes in my pelvis and just above. The pain was like a nasty inflammatory feeling, throbbing. I took paracetamol for the pain, which helped. Needless to say it was an early night! Helped by a Nytol tab to get me to sleep.

Day 4, the pains were subsiding a little, but I felt absolutely knackered Sleeping . We went into town to get a few bits and bobs and I managed 100 yards before having to return to the car. Another side effect started on day 4, my old enemy acid reflux heartburn Heart️‍Fire, ouch! I’ve had problems with it since I was 18, caused by a hiatus hernia. I even had successful surgery on it a few years back. But the chemo and steroids combined, bought it back with vengeance. If you suffer with it, my advice is to have your omerprazole and Gaviscon at the ready! 

Day 5, Still knackered. I really didn’t do much except, sit and read and try and manage the symptoms of heartburn Heart️‍Fire, i failed. Eventually managing sleep Zzz with a trusty Nytol tab. No other symptoms and the groin pain was definitely subsiding.

Day 6 Feeling much more myself today, no groin and pelvis pain, heartburn easing a bit! I vigorously combed my hair to see any signs of hair loss, there were none, not a single hair in the sink. Early dats though! 

Day 7 Called the chemo unit number about the heartburn issue, lovely lady Gemma asked me to come in to discuss. Long and short of it, she switched my drug and fingers crossed Fingers crossed it seems a bit better. No other symptoms and I managed to get back to doing my 10000 steps a day! 

All in all nothing like the horror stories you read, but it’s early day! 

back next week with maybe ‘Grant goes bald’! Joy

