Days 15 -21 Cycle 1 comes to an end, seconds out round 2!

2 minute read time.

Well by day 15 I was back to my old self! In fact the shoulder pain I’d had for over a year had almost gone. Because I have no bone METS they think it’s the Prednislone steroids helping to sort that out! The GP had said it was a trapped nerve in my neck causing it, but of course you instantly think bone METS with every ache and pain! Whatever it is I’ll take it! Some extra flakes of hair started coming out and my scalp was becoming a bit sore.

Days 16 - 18 My strength was back to my normal 12000 steps a day! I have always walked between 10000-12000 per day and Scarborough is a great walking ground. Lots of ups and downs and cliffs and takJoyg Billy our Bedlington terrier out is nice too! I really think the exercise helps with the chemo effects and the HT Zoladex effects too.  The hair was continuing to fall, just my head, no other body parts as yet Joy 

Day 19 - Today was the blood tests ready for round 2, they were back and on my NHS app within the hour. All good to go! 

Day 20 - It also starts again with my midnight hour Dexmethasone tablets, I learned my lesson from the sleep deprivation last time and had invested in a box of Nytol tablets. Which I can happily report did the trick! Out like a light and 7 solid hours. 

Day 21 - Round 2, Cycle 2 Boxing glove Started the day by making the mistake of washing my hair in the bath. The bath drained looked like a barber shop floor! Hat will be required this week sometime I think! Dex tablets all taken 4 3houJoy before, 4 1 hour before. I bobbed along to the chemo unit flying high as a kite . Canula straight in, no hot water bath needed. In my right had though, so I was a bit kakhanded typing into my ipad after Joy. 1 hour run though and all done! It really is such a simple process. 

pic is me today in the chemo room 

Next Wednesday Cycle 2…

  • Well yet again a very comprehensive document - well done. I am sure it will be all good to go at this rate - although it looks like your hair may be on it's way too.

    Strange as I read posts from most people on the community I have  mental image of them in my head, and I am not too sure if this is a good or bad thing - but you look nothing like my mental image!! (I am on wats app with a few community members and they look nothing like my original mental image too!!).

    Thanks again for posting. Brian.

  • Thanks Brian, yes it’s strange how we get a mental image! Hopefully I look better and not worse than your mental image Joy