Days 8 - 14 Things settle down

1 minute read time.

Day 8, The new meds that the lovely Gemma put me on for the heartburn problems really helped. Heartburn easing and managed to build up to 5500 steps involving and up and down of Scarborough’s cliffs (we live in Scarborough) but pooped after. So an afternoon Nanna nap ZzzWas in order!  just an hour mind you! 

Day 9-10 Well I woke Day 9 feeling much more myself, in fact better than in a while TBH. Managed to improve on my step total 6500. Day 10 more of the same Heartburn more or less gone. I switched back to my normal Omerprazole daily 20mg. We decided I was feeling well enough to risk booking a gentle last minute break in the Lake District. So we booked it! 

Days 10-14 The following day, we set off for the lakes! I’m definitely more spontaneous and for the moment, since diagnosis. Pat did the driving. I had a little nanna nap Zzz on the way! 

The cottage was lovely. I managed a climb up to Aira force falls on Day 11. A nice train trip from our base in Appleby to Settle day 12. A walk round and lunch. Evening of day 12. Felt a bit itchy on the top of my scalp, it felt a bit grainy on top. Pulled and a small clump of hairs came away, maybe a sign of things to come? … Morning of day 14 I was concerned that my hair would be coming off in big clumps. Especially after a dream that I woke up with my entire head of hair all over the pillow Joy . No such thing. After a shampoo it was all still there, not a strand in my comb. By day 14 I got back up to my normal 12000 steps! Yippee Raised hands.

A pretty good week! 

Days 15-20 final week of cycle No1, next Wednesday! 
