Sleep deprivation with Dexamethsone…

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John the kind chemotherapy nurse had issued me with the Dexamethsone (Dex) at the pre assessment meeting. Their purpose is to reduce reaction to the IV Docetaxel and reduce inflammation and reactions when you get home.

8 tablets in total, they’re pretty heavy duty steroids and they make you a bit hyper. Not in a nice floaty way, but in a nasty keep you awake kinda way.

his instructions for use. 4 dex tabs 12 hours before my appointment. Given my appointment was 2:30pm this meant setting an alarm at 2:30am for my first dose! No sleep after I took them, wide awake till the sun came up!

4 more dex tabs 4 hours before my appointment 

4 more dex tabs 1 hour before. By then I was on the ceiling. Get someone to drive you to the appointment! 

They even feed you even more via the IV when they are putting the Docetaxel in. Needless to say the night after cycle 1 I got 1 hour sleep Zzz NOT. Be prepared.

Next instalment: let’s go and kill sone cancer, cycle 1
