Grant’s prostrate cancer Chemo blog

  • End of Cycle 3 and an unwelcome surprise at the start of cycle 4!

    Hi bloggers,  it’s been a few weeks since the last instalment, so I thought I’d give an update! Well the end to cycle 3 was pretty uneventful. I was feeling well enough for us to snatch a few days in the Peak District, which was...
  • The rest of Cycle 2 and the start of the dreaded cycle 3

    Well bloggers it’s been a while since I blogged, sorry! When I left you I was at day 10 of cycle 3. Happy to report that the rest of cycle 2 was pretty unremarkable, in fact, I would go as far as to say easy. I felt fine and dandy! Only slight ...
  • Days 1 - 9 cycle 2 - All’s well except my hair!

    Sorry bit late to the pass with this week’s blog! I’ll try harder next week. Day 1 - After the 2nd infusion I was, like last time, bouncing off the walls. Hyper active from the Dexamethasone, I don’t know what’s in that s...
  • Days 15 -21 Cycle 1 comes to an end, seconds out round 2!

    Well by day 15 I was back to my old self! In fact the shoulder pain I’d had for over a year had almost gone. Because I have no bone METS they think it’s the Prednislone steroids helping to sort that out! The GP had said it was a trapped n...
  • Days 8 - 14 Things settle down

    Day 8, The new meds that the lovely Gemma put me on for the heartburn problems really helped. Heartburn easing and managed to build up to 5500 steps involving and up and down of Scarborough’s cliffs (we live in Scarborough) but pooped after. So...