Getting my head around it

  • Trying a diet 1


    I've started!  Visited the supermarket today for the week's food.  First time without the sticks (crutches).  Got around OK and met some staff who complimented me on how I was getting along.

    Loaded up the trolley with fresh fruits of many kinds and told my wife I'm now off the sugary desserts.  Unfortunately the leaflet on abiraterone says 'don't take grapefruit juice or the fruit itselt as it upsets the absorption…

  • Let's try a diet!


    I read an entry under Diet this morning in the living with incurable cancer group.  It reminded me of a book I read 10 years ago by an Oxford academic called "Living Proof a medical mutiny".  Michael Gearing-Tosh was diagnosed with myeloid leukaemia and advised to start on chemotherapy immediately.  He refused, changed his diet based on what he read, and survived 11years against medical predictions.

    This has given…

  • The New Year


    I'm still blogging because I'm still here!  A blog is supposed to be a peersonal account of each one of us' journey along the cancer path.  No two will be the same.

    I've joined the group for those living with an incurable or terminal cancer diagnosis and my reading there makes me understand how lucky I am at this stage of the journey.  I'm 81 and I've had my wonderful, interesting life.  I could reasonably…

  • The clear road ahead


    I saw a different oncologist in the clinic today because my usual "Dr Onc" is still away on his Christmas holiday!  I was seen on time and this doctor, a senior assistant specialist, listened to my questions before answering each one clearly so that I could follow and understand.  What a difference!

    I am to start on abiraterone supported by zoledronate infusions.  Details of this were explained to me and the reasons…

  • 20 December Putting the record straight


    This is where I am now.  I have advanced, aggressive PCa which has become resistant to the standard drugs; decapeptyl and bicalutamide.  I am to go on to abiraterone next as an informed choice.  Chemo can be given later if I agree and if my condition warrants it.  However agressive my disease may be, I'm assured that it's in my pelvic bones only, not in lymph nodes,  nor liver nor anywhere else.

    I had a very helpful…