The clear road ahead

1 minute read time.

I saw a different oncologist in the clinic today because my usual "Dr Onc" is still away on his Christmas holiday!  I was seen on time and this doctor, a senior assistant specialist, listened to my questions before answering each one clearly so that I could follow and understand.  What a difference!

I am to start on abiraterone supported by zoledronate infusions.  Details of this were explained to me and the reasons for each given clearly.  The oncologist explained why steroid was necessary with abiraterone and what side effects I might expect.  He was positive about side effects saying that a rise in blood pressure was possible but not likely.  I would be monitored regularly at the time of giving the zoledronate infusions.

I need not go into detail as many others are on the same drugs and will know much more than I do.  My general impression was very positive, so different from my last meeting with Dr Onc.  I feel the team will look after me by regular follow up to check that I am doing OK and will adapt the treatment to my needs if necessary.  This oncologist, I will call him Dr Middle East as that is where he came from, is an excellent communicator, not only because he speaks well but because he listened and gave me time to ask questions.  He answered them all without overloading me with too much information at once.  I would be very happy to remain under his care but, as he is one of a team, this may not be possible every time.

I came away from the clinic feeling very cheerful, that I had had a very satisfactory consultation this time.  I know where I am going, it corresponds with what my urologist said a week or so ago, and this gives me confidence.  Today my pains are much less and I drove comfortably the 20 miles to the hospital.  I took a stick but hardly needed it except for hiking from one end of the hospital to the other for my blood tests.  I have been able to reduce my analgesic doses recently.

Happy NewYear to all my readers!!

  • FormerMember
    David, so good to read your upbeat post. A caring " Dr. Middle East" would be a boost to everyone on this forums recovery. What ever happened to the good "bedside manner"? Wishing you a very good 2014. Remember to take your good spirit into the new year. Love Elma X
  • FormerMember

    Elma, thank you for your comment.  Yes the National Elf Service could do with many more like Dr Middle East.  He comes from a country torn by religious sectarian violence and war, yet he is so kind and patient.  He has lived and worked in the UK for about ten years but gained his medical qualifications before he came.  He certainly has the "good bedside manner" in spades.

    All the best to you for 2014 that is so nearly upon us.  Keep posting.