Trying a diet 1

1 minute read time.

I've started!  Visited the supermarket today for the week's food.  First time without the sticks (crutches).  Got around OK and met some staff who complimented me on how I was getting along.

Loaded up the trolley with fresh fruits of many kinds and told my wife I'm now off the sugary desserts.  Unfortunately the leaflet on abiraterone says 'don't take grapefruit juice or the fruit itselt as it upsets the absorption of the drug'. (?) Pity because I enjoy both fresh grapefruit and its pressed pure juice.  Bought apples and their juice instead as well as bananas for potassium.

For some reason my pain is almost gone, I'm just a bit stiff and achey at times.  I can walk around the house and managed to get from car to trolley park today without the sticks.  Have started  visualisations and bone breathing as advocated by Michael Gearin-Tosh.  'Tosh' you may say but I believe he has something important to say!  The next symptom to demolish is the frequency at night.  That's still with me and disturbs every good sleep I might have.  No, I don't have a urinary infection or sugar diabetes, -I've been tested.

Will see my GP tomorrow.  He hasn't seen me for some time.  Wonder what he'll say?  Oh! and I'll take a picture of that signboard outside his consulting room:  "Appointments are for 10 minutes and for one symptom only".  I ask you!!!!

Cheerful.  Day 1 of diet etc. Stay positive.
