Further progress 1.2.14

1 minute read time.

Another month has begun.  It is less dark now except under heavy rain.  Today I managed to do some useful work in the garden the first for many weeks.  All at ground level, but I was able to use a saw and long-armed secateurs to good effect to prune a large buddleia bush.  Next task will be to use the shredder and reduce it all to small pieces for compost.

My pelvic pains continue to improve on abiraterone.  The clinic has advised me to stay on injections of tramerin (decapeptyl) as well as abiraterone, perdnisolone and extra calcium.  I'm not sure of the logic of this and will ask at my next clinic visit to see the specialist.

Interesting, sad and disturbing posts on the 'living with terminal cancer' group.  About how to end it when things become intolerable.  We all have this to face, in our own way, there is no easy answer.  The lucky ones will be picked off suddenly by an chest infection, a haemorrage or a heart attack.  Talking about it I think is good.  The idea of having a choice is appealing but has many problems with it.  Just staying positive is OK as far as it goes until there can be no positive left.  Thinking on these things.

  • FormerMember

    happy chinese new year ! this year is year of horse. Hope you will get that enegy and have a good year ahead of you. 新年快乐!

  • FormerMember

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom, David. I agree with you about staying positive until you can't any more.  Where there is life, there is always hope, however much of a cliché that sounds.

  • FormerMember

    Thank you Marian O and Dyad.

    Yes I hope the Chinese horse will energise me and thank you for your good wishes.  I'm not so sure about any wisdom shared!  I do my best but tend to blog on good days at the moment. 

    I tried to edit out a spelling mistake in my blog but could not as I'd already pressed the publish button.  So I wrote it again but the site would not publish the corrected version.  Frustrating but my own fault for clicking on the wrong button in my haste.