Forever Monna's blog

  • RESULTS!!!!!


    Just a short blog today, (after yesterday's marathon of a blog), because I'm suddenly very exhausted...

    Met the surgeon. It's been a week since my operation. "It's good news" he said. "The lump was smaller than the MRI showed. The tissue we excised around the lump for clearance was all clear. The lymph nodes were also clear. You're ER positive, PR positive and HER 2 positive". He…

  • Latest Hurdle Completed...


    Sunday 13th September: (PRE OP.)

    My close friend texted me. Asked me if I fancied some wine in the evening. Said ok. Went out to shop and bought a bottle. She arrived later. Also with a bottle. Had a bottle of wine... each. Got COMPLETELY drunk! I don't drink as a rule. Last one I had was several months ago, so only takes 2 glasses and I'm on the floor. Trouble was the next morning I still felt 'over the limit…

  • Relief

    What a day! Met surgeon at 8.30am this morning. Really nice guy. A 'hand holder'. Not like my oncologist. She's a bit brash, so I felt really comfortable. He said he'd like to operate next Tuesday, if tumour is less than 2cm. Less than 2cm for my size of boob (D cup) means that the op will leave my boob as 'preserved' as possible. If more than 2cm then he would want to shrink it first with chemo. …
  • And Back Down Again...

    Yesterday Came home from work. Walked in to my lovely home which over the last couple of weeks has got into a bit of a mess. Read about some of you who have mad cleaning frenzies just before surgery. Nesting. Read about it last week when I was still in shock from the diagnosis. NESTING? I thought. Who would want to bloody nest? Who bloody cares about the house when you've got this thing inside you? But yesterday. Walked…
  • Quick Update...

    Been at work most of last week. It's helped me feel more normal again. In fact, normal to the point where I forget momentarily that I've got this thing inside me. I'm a Driving Instructor and the students I have told are all really shocked and a couple of them cried. I was quite taken aback actually and found myself being strong for them! Weird really :O. I had a phone call today. My surgeon is meeting my oncologist…