Quick Update...

1 minute read time.
Been at work most of last week. It's helped me feel more normal again. In fact, normal to the point where I forget momentarily that I've got this thing inside me. I'm a Driving Instructor and the students I have told are all really shocked and a couple of them cried. I was quite taken aback actually and found myself being strong for them! Weird really :O. I had a phone call today. My surgeon is meeting my oncologist on Wednesday morning to discuss my case and wants to see me also. I am going to meet him first thing on Thursday morning. I have already been told that I will be having surgery first, then chemo, so I guess I could be having the op by the end of next week? I'll soon find out. I'm really impatient. I just wish I knew already. The nature of my job means that I have started to let go of some of my students. I figure this could well be my last week at work for a while. So there it is. I'm starting to wind down a business that I have spent five and a half years building up. It'll be strange having a break from it. The loss of income has been firmly routed to the back of my mind at the moment. Thinking about it will just cause the panic and depression to set back in. I'll update my blog again on Thursday. I would also like to say a HUGE thank you so much for all your words of support over the last week. I feel bad for not having replied to you earlier to say thank you. You're comments have kept me going and lifted me so much, so thanks again.