Forever Monna's blog

  • Back On The Radar


    Had a lot to deal with over the last couple of weeks. An old Uni friend (now living in Australia) telephoned me last night. He hadn't seen me blog anything new for a couple of weeks. He was worried about me. Wanted to see if I was ok - thank you J :-). I realised I'd been 'away' for a while so thought I should make an appearance. I've just been overwhelmed with everything recently.

    Where do I start? I…

  • Out of Bed...



    Got out of bed about an hour ago. Have been extremely depressed since my last blog. Have stayed in bed mostly. Haven't talked to anyone. Wallowing in my own self misery.

    Tuesday 29th September

    My breast wound has 90% healed really nicely. Except a small bit which hasn't knitted together. It's been seeping here and there and just won't close. Woke up. Seep everywhere. Wouldn't stop. Made an appointment to…

  • So, So Low...


    Trying to contain it. All day. Had the In-Laws over this afternoon. A friend popped over too. Hard. Everybody means well. But had to do things to avoid a massive emotional spillage everywhere. Made tea. Washed up. Shouldn't be doing stuff because I'm still very sore and not healed yet. But needed to get out of there for a few minutes. Needed to avoid eye contact.

    Why today? Maybe yesterday's meeting with the…

  • To harvest or not to harvest...That is the question...?


    Met with the Oncologist yesterday. She would like to start me on FEC chemo. My 'cycle' will be 3 hours every 3 weeks, 6 cycles in total. Then possibly Radiotherapy after the chemo (she hasn't had the discussions yet so is not sure whether I'll need it), but definitely Herceptin via IV for a year. Then after all of that, I need to go on the hormone blockers for 5 years. (I am positive for all three of ER…

  • Very, Very Nervous :-(


    Oncologist's office phoned today. Wants to meet Friday at 4pm. I think to discuss the chemo? Just before the surgery, my surgeon said the chemo would start in 2 or 3 weeks. So I presume I'm now at that stage.

    I've read some bits on here about chemo, but really I don't have any idea what's involved. I've read about ports, hics and pics and am dreading them all. I've read about veins collapsing so a port/hic/pic…