
1 minute read time.
What a day! Met surgeon at 8.30am this morning. Really nice guy. A 'hand holder'. Not like my oncologist. She's a bit brash, so I felt really comfortable. He said he'd like to operate next Tuesday, if tumour is less than 2cm. Less than 2cm for my size of boob (D cup) means that the op will leave my boob as 'preserved' as possible. If more than 2cm then he would want to shrink it first with chemo. Head starts going crazy. What if it's bigger than 2cm? I really want surgery first. Not chemo. I want this cut out. Maybe they can cut more of the breast away if it is bigger. That way I can still have surgery first. Getting ahead of myself. Breathe. Surgeon wants me to get an MRI. Then we'll know for definite. Surgery is booked anyway for Tuesday in the hope that it's less than 2cm. (Ultrasound did size it at 1.0x1.3x1.5cm). If it goes ahead, the operation will be a Segmental (Partial) Mastectomy with Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy. Now need to get an MRI, so can know for sure. Surgeon's secretary can only get an MRI appointment for Monday. Not good enough. Have to know today. Can't go through whole weekend 'hoping' that on Tuesday the op will go ahead, only to find out on Monday that tumour is too big. Made some phone calls. Went to the scanning clinic anyway and sat and waited just in case a slot opened up. Need some luck to come my way. You never know.... After 20 minutes, lady comes down "You'll never believe it. We've had a last minute cancellation. You need to come NOW!". Apparentely another lady was due for an MRI but just as she was about to go in, she revealed she was trying for a baby and therefore there was a small risk of her being pregnant. So I'm in. Getting MRI'd. Great. Also, by sheer luck, there happened to be a Breast Radiologist in the clinic at the same time as I was being scanned (usually, he wasn't supposed to be there till much later in the afternoon). So my scan got reported straight away and faxed to my surgeon's office. Went home. Went to bed. Waited. 5.30pm. Phone call. Surgeon's office. "Tumour is 1.7x1.75cm and solitary. So excellent for surgery on Tuesday". (((((((((((((((((((( RELIEF ))))))))))))))))))))