Finding out my Mum has GBM 4

  • Emotional Rollercoaster


    So its been about 3 weeks since my last post, Mum was/is doing really well and was having so many good days that they decided to reduce the Midazolam to try to get her off of it.  That went well for a few days, until she got down to 7.5mg and then she started sleeping a lot more (which we were expecting because of the phenytoin that they started her on again), but the amount of seizures also increased so I suggested the…

  • Good days and bad..


    My Mum was starting to do really well, we were able to get her out of bed and in her wheelchair to sit in the lounge with us for a few afternoons, she was becoming really chatty (not making much sense) but still it is always good to hear her waffling on :)

    But last Thursday afternoon/night she started sleeping a lot more, she had a seizure and then stopped responding to most of our questions, and then I was having to literally…

  • Day in the life of a carer of someone with GBM4


    Its not easy being a carer...especially for your Mum or someone you are really close to.  Recently I have been getting frustrated with people because we ask for help and they say no problem, they come round and say 'what can I do', then call on me and my Dad anytime my Mum needs anything.  One of my Mums sisters even said 'she's leaning slightly to one side, and doesn't look very comfortable' so we…

  • Stopping the treatment


    So it seems a lot has happened since my last post, where do I start?  My mind is all over the place at the moment but it seems to help me to write it down...

    20th August it was day 13 of the chemo treatment (seems to be an unlucky number at the moment!), day 7 of the radiotherapy and mum was getting weaker, she was sleeping most of the day, we were struggling to get her to eat and even when she was she would hold the food…

  • It's not fair


    I'm feeling selfish at the moment, its not fair that my mum has to go through all of this, its not fair that my mum has to wake up feeling like crap each day, not being able to do the normal stuff she does.  Its not fair that she has me and dad pleading with her to stay awake for 2 minutes so she can eat a little and drink a little and pressurising her to do little exercises to keep her moving as much as possible.