Good days and bad..

1 minute read time.

My Mum was starting to do really well, we were able to get her out of bed and in her wheelchair to sit in the lounge with us for a few afternoons, she was becoming really chatty (not making much sense) but still it is always good to hear her waffling on :)

But last Thursday afternoon/night she started sleeping a lot more, she had a seizure and then stopped responding to most of our questions, and then I was having to literally force the tablets into her mouth.  A complete turn (for what can only be presumed the worst).  I called the GP on Friday morning, she came out and we started Mum on the syringe drivers, the steroids were also increased.  The doctor told us we might only have days...we knew this was coming but you are never prepared to hear that about your Mum.
Saturday morning, Mum was really chatty again, we couldn't believe it, and by Monday she was still chatting away (again, not making much sense) so we're all happy again, even got her into her wheelchair again on Tuesday afternoon for a couple of hours.  This time was different though, moving rooms seemed to really confuse her, she just kept talking about having to get the train or a plane home, and she was really fidgety/agitated.
Wednesday (today) came, the nurses came in and she was really chatty again and she'd had a quite a bit to eat that morning, they changed the needles of her syringe driver, which appeared to hurt Mum (she's never been one to admit to pain, but she said it stung).  Then she became really tired...
She had a couple of seizures again, and has been really tired ever since, responds every now and again but not as much..

Its like an emotional rollercoaster of extremes at the moment!!  I hate seeing my Mum going through this, a big part of me hopes that she doesn't really know whats going on, another big part of me is hoping that one day she'll come into my room and wake me up in the morning!  I just don't want her to suffer, I know she is really scared (so much so, she wont really talk to us about it), I just wish there was only 'good' days!!  

  • FormerMember

    I really feel for you, watching them suffer is just awful.  I remember when we were told dad was dying and it would be quick, it's a terrible thing to hear, especially when dad was sat up drinking tea - it just didn't seem believable at all, they must have it wrong.  Of course they didn't, he lived for another few days.

    I think as death draws closer they come in and out of normality and those times when she sits up chatting is great, but confusing, we convince ourselves that they are getting better.  I read that it's the activity in the brain that heightens in the end of life, that's what makes them almost appear better, they see things, reach out, want to get up and do things, then of course they revert to their other state again.

    I wish there was only good days too for you, I hope that she just starts to sleep more without any seizures or problems.  I'm sure she isn't aware of what is going on, and if she is it'll be instant and then forgotten.  Try not to worry what she's thinking it's too painful, just trust that she feels comfortable.  You are doing an incredibl job caring for her and these times will be such a comfort to you.

    Thinking of you xx