Fight like a Girl!!!!

  • Day 6 and recovering from Chemo........still!


    well i havent been on the last few days due to feeling so crap. i went home after my second radiotherapy treatment feeling so ill, i've been told to go and rest after my treatments though to stop them hitting me so hard. was lovely seeing my children again and being able to see my friends.


    i had my first dose of chemo yesterday it started at 8.30 and finished at half 5 was awfully long day and quite uncomfy but…

  • Day 1 of treatment and CLAN


    Well as i write this im sat in a darkened room (for my little girl who's fast asleep in her travel cot) in a strange place feeling quite uncomfortable.

    Today is the first day of my treatment on the road to get better, 28 days of combined radio/chemotherapy. im staying in a lace called CLAN Haven in aberdeen while i have my treatments during the week and i get to go home on the weekends if i want too.............…

  • A waiting game.........


    After my girl having a fab birthday and a day of trying to rest a bit...........(still feel poop with the shingles, at least the meds are in my system for them now) appointment arrived through the post for a MRI on sat and its for in 2 weeks time........ 31st May.

    im in 2 minds about this date and the time between it - 

    side 1 - That i shouldnt be so concerned as they are making me wait so maybe its its not…

  • strange new's and my babies birthday


    16th May - Today i got a call back from Doc Ali saying there was nothing more to tell me than what he had already told and that basically the only thing they know for sure is i have cancer but there is a question over my staging......he said the histology report had showed the cancer and that it was at LEAST a stage 1B when before thats exactly what i was told it was. So i went to ask on if the results from my pet scan…

  • scray beginnings and clouds of confusion.....


    On the 21st March 2013 i had a appointment with Professor Cummings to check an erosion on my cervix...........he seemed pretty sure that it was an abnormal erosion and not to worry but he would send me to see someone else and for a Colposcopy..........still being told this is normal.

    25th April 2013 i met with Dr Ali for my colposcopy and was told that my smear has come back abnormal with pre cancerous cells. so im told…