scray beginnings and clouds of confusion.....

2 minute read time.

On the 21st March 2013 i had a appointment with Professor Cummings to check an erosion on my cervix...........he seemed pretty sure that it was an abnormal erosion and not to worry but he would send me to see someone else and for a Colposcopy..........still being told this is normal.

25th April 2013 i met with Dr Ali for my colposcopy and was told that my smear has come back abnormal with pre cancerous cells. so im told again not to worry and the chances of it being cancer is almost 0.............the doctor told me he couldnt do a biopsy there and then because the area was too large and would cause too much discomfort............been in so much pain down below. i was told not ot worry and i would be more comfy going under.

on the 26th April i was called to say i had been booked in for a emergency operation on my cervix to have the biopsy and see if he could remove the cells.

30th April, i have my op and though uncomfy after i feel positive when im told that the doc will give me my results in 4 weeks time. 

9th May i recieved a call from the hospital saying i needed to go see Dr Ali asap. he told me in a very confusing way that he believed i have stage 1b cervical cancer and that i would be told a course of treatment by the next week. i recieved nothing in writing or an explanation that i could the type of person that needs to read and re-read something to understand it and i have forgotten the other information he gave me too im sure he said something about CIN???? I REALLY wish i had it in writing..........he did say he would right to my doc but she hasnt got it yet.

10th May i got a call from aberdeen hospital to say i was getting a PET scan on the tuesday, no explanation just how i should prepare for it.

14th May. i've had my scan and told my specialist is Dr Parkins?? no idea about results or anything, i thought perhaps today i would feel clearer on things but i dont and its still bugging me i dont have anything on paper!!! i want to hold my baby and not allowed because im RADIOACTIVE......keep waiting to hulk up lol.

And yet through all of this somehow it still doesnt feel real???? how can this be happening??

