ewh37's blog

  • 6 Months Post Treatment


    Hi Everybody

    I have been pleased to read other members have made the step back to work like myself and that others are coming through their treatment a VERY BIG WELL DONE TO ALL.  Sorry I have not kept you updated since I returned to work but the past eight weeks have flown by although not that easy at first. Today was my  6 month check up post treatment and my consultant is pleased with my progress and he has now put me on two…

  • One Small Step

    One small step for Man a giant step for Me Well i have done it Folks first Day back at work today and i can say its been a bit surreal from people walking around me as if they are treading on egg shells and i have aquired the ability to make a room fall silent on entry i am not sure if this is because they were talking about me or if they are suprised to see me, I am not sure yet. But what i can say is once i got my…
  • Treatment and Back

    Well the weeks and months have came and gone and I have endured all they have thrown at me from Radiotheraphy to the Chemo plus a weeks stay in James Cook Hospital. I have not been able to update my blog over this period as some of you will know its not an easy time. But a surprise e-mail from another member of the site compelled me into action. I can honestly say the last few months has not been easy with all the highs…
  • Let the battle Begin

    Let The Battle Begin Well it has been another eventful week with an overnight stay in hospital on Tuesday/Wednesday to have a feeding tube (PEG) put into my stomach before The start of my chemo and radiotherapy next week. I will not go into to much detail Regarding the fitting of the PEG other than to say it is another strange experience In the battle against my cancer One piece of advice though is they tell you to…
  • Radiotherapy

    Well this has been a strange week I have travelled 60 miles a day round trip to hospital over the course of the week I have had a reproduction of my head made from plaster of paris which is a strange feeling I can assure you. First they give you a bathing cap which makes you look like Kojak and then they make make you look like an egyptian mummy covering you with bandages to form the mould but you have to trust them.…