Let the battle Begin

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Let The Battle Begin Well it has been another eventful week with an overnight stay in hospital on Tuesday/Wednesday to have a feeding tube (PEG) put into my stomach before The start of my chemo and radiotherapy next week. I will not go into to much detail Regarding the fitting of the PEG other than to say it is another strange experience In the battle against my cancer One piece of advice though is they tell you to flush The tube twice a day but I would recommend four times to avoid a blockage, Friday Was simulator day for the final checks before they microwave me and the battle begins, Thanks for the support from other members of the site all I need now is the British bulldog spirit as they say the next seven weeks is going tough. Hope everyone else is coping and all goes well. P.S Does anyone else think they like sticking needles in us as I am starting? To resemble a pincushion!