Everything changes from tomorrow....

  • 8 weeks on, the next big hurdle is ahead...


    Not sure where to begin really.  Lost my dad on 27th December 2011.  8 weeks ago.  What has the last 8 weeks been like?  Strange.  Feelings of relief and peace followed by anxiety, desparation but mainly disbelief.  Yes I saw him die, I visited him in the chapel twice, I held his cold hand, I kissed his cold face.  I watched them bury him, I was there but I still wait for him to ring or walk through the door, I can't get my head…

  • Our journey is over, my lovely dad has gone :( xx


    From the start dad knew he was facing a massive fight, with two primary cancers, both of which are big killers, it was never going to be easy.  His objective - get to Chritmas and he did.

    We brought him home from hospital on Thursday last week, late morning it was.  We settled him in.  He had a hospital bed, hoist and wheelchair.  We all had a little sleep after we'd been to the chippy.  We talked a lot that night, he…

  • Dad's hospital admission and plans to bring him home....


    Sunday 11th December

     From the Friday dad was really struggling to walk from the pain in his back.  He started to walk holding mum’s shoulders.  I rang Sunday morning and she said his pain was worse so she’d rang the emergency doctor.  I went straight up.  They rang back and asked if he had numbness in his hip/groin area and we said yes so they instructed an ambulance.  He was taken to A&E and after a full day…

  • Dad's emergency partial resection, living with a colostomy and fifth chemo session....


    Well we certainly have had a hectic month!! 

    Dad's surgery went very well, they were able to do it keyhole and he ended up with a colostomy.  He was smiling when he came back to the ward and up and round the next day.  The nurses said he was amazing, their star patient because he was so active and we were so proud of him.  Wasn't to last though, crippling back ache and hip pain kicked in just before discharge.

  • Dad's admitted again....


    Had a really hard day yesterday, dad was in distress with his bowel again over night so I rang the specialist nurse who arranged for dad to see the bowel consultant later than day.  Probably one of the worst appointments we've had.  I know i've said before that we have an understand with the oncologist that he doesn't tell us anything we don't need to know, his aim is to keep dad positive.  We cannot control…