8 weeks on, the next big hurdle is ahead...

2 minute read time.

Not sure where to begin really.  Lost my dad on 27th December 2011.  8 weeks ago.  What has the last 8 weeks been like?  Strange.  Feelings of relief and peace followed by anxiety, desparation but mainly disbelief.  Yes I saw him die, I visited him in the chapel twice, I held his cold hand, I kissed his cold face.  I watched them bury him, I was there but I still wait for him to ring or walk through the door, I can't get my head around the fact that he is gone.  I already can't remember what he sounds like, but I can picture him in hospital before he came home to die.

So on Saturday we fly to Spain with mum, to reintroduce her to their friends, for her to talk to them, find comfort from them.  They should be there now enjoying their lives, but instead dad is in the ground and mum is alone.  I feel a huge feeling of anxiety when i think about going, part of me thinks that is why dad isn't here because he is there and he will be waiting for us.  I hope we find comfort from being where a part of him will be. 

As I try to shake these feelings of utter dread and dispair, my mum rings and says it is ready.  My dad's stone is ready and will be put in place on Thursday.  So the bit of soil that I have decorated with peoms, wind chimes, lights, lavender, pink shrubs and rainbows is really going to be my dad's grave.  My dad is dead.  I can't quite accept it.

As with everything with cancer, we cannot just focus on the one thing.  Following the cancer diagnosis comes worries of money, work, treatments, decisions, different doctors being involved.  On death we have to think about arrangements, policies, plans.  And even now grieving is tangled up with our ongoing responsibility for those around us, those that want to talk when we don't, those that want to cry when we don't, everyone grieves differently.  They say you have to walk a year a day without someone before you can move on, I dread the year ahead.  Nothing I do or anywhere I go makes this feeling in the pit of my stomach go away.  Those at the funeral who cried for my dad, the cards we received, they are moving on while we stand still.  I know that's life but the world still turns and the morning still arrives despite the pain that we feel.

:( xxx

  • Molly

    You have put into words exactly how I feel . My Dad passed away on the 19th December and I am struggling too. So a big hug from me as I truly understand.


    Karen xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Simply Big hugs to you and your mum Molly. I understand your words 'cos as you know my dad died 11 Dec. I find one of the hardest parts is coping with my mums grief and now looking after her. Our lives have changed for good and part of grieving is to come to terms with that, and as you say despite it all a new morning arrives each day.

    Our dads would want us to embrace that new morning and the good life that it brings, so hopefully one day we can.

    Take care my dear Molly

    Jan xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you Karen and Jan, all so close together aren't we.  I have had feelings of wanting to fulfil my dreams as dad did, smile and embrace life but that's faded now, I'm sure it'll come back.  I don't like how life has changed, I don't like it one bit, the finality of death is just so cruel.

    Sending you both love and hugs back, and strength to enjoy the sunrise each day xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Molly

    When I was choosing poems for my husbands funeral I came across," He has gone". It was the one that I felt said it all.

    The last line is "Smile, open your eyes, love and go on"

    I don't like how my life has changed either, but I have to accept it. When I was young I use to worry about things that would probably never happen. Now, as long as I know what the problem is I can cope and work my way around things. Even the fact my lovely husband has died. I cannot change it and I am not going to sit here and wish it was different. I know that what I have already done since he died would have made him proud of me.

    Your dad would have wanted you to smile and embrace life. Perhaps tomorrow will be the start of that.

    Take care,

    Sending you and your mum lots of hugs

