Today was a good day

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Thank you for all the lovely comments I’ve had so far as I start the journey that none of us want to be on. (anyone else really dislike the J word?!). Each one has meant a great deal to me and reassured me that I am doing just fine; all thing considered!

Today, I am calling 1-0 to me V cancer.  MY CT scan results came back all clear.  

My treatment plan is confirmed as 16 cycles of two kinds of chemo followed by surgery followed by more chemo (maybe) or radiotherapy (maybe) but definitely hormone pills.  I am still waiting for a start date.

I hope that whoever is reading this can see that there will be good days.  There will be bad days, and total shit show days, but there will be good days and they are to be marked and celebrated!

Tomorrow, I am off to buy a wig!  Perhaps being one step ahead might mean I will be 2-0 up before too long.
