What do you mean “you might feel like you’ve wet yourself”?

1 minute read time.

So today, I had my first ever CT scan.

Having been told it would all be over in a matter of minutes; I was somewhat surprised to learn that before any scanning took place, I had to drink about a litre of water….slowly…..over an hour……

What? I have plans to meet up with a friend. Why did no one tell me this?

Maybe they did, but along with all the other information I’ve had to digest since this all started, that little part fell out of my already (some might say even before this shitshow) very overcrowded brain.

So, like the good little patient I am, I drank my water with the little bit of dye in and headed to the scan room.  The lady that met me there was absolutely fabulous. She was friendly with an air of calm about her that I didn’t realise I needed.  That is to say, until she started to talk about the cannula with a teeeny tiny bit more contrast. Erm, what? Then the angel who was looking after me so brilliantly, calmly added that alongside a warm flush around my body, I would most likely feel like I had wet myself.

She reassured me that I would not have wet myself but all I could think about was the litre of water I’d just finished drinking. Turns out these wonderful health professionals really do know their stuff; within about 3 minutes I thought I’d wet myself!!!! 10 seconds later I realised I hadn’t. 

I came to realise that along this journey, a lot will fall out of my brain and that’s ok. The health professionals you will meet along the way are there to ever so gently remind you. And gently stroke your arm and tell you that no, you didn’t wet yourself.

PS. In a further change to my plan, my oncologist appointment has been moved. I now have to wait 24 days.


  • Before one of my scans I asked "Does anyone ever wet themselves for real in these scanners?"  Apparently, they don't. That was a whole lot of pressure then, as i did not want to be remembered as the first, last and only scanner-wetter. (I left without this title, thankfully.) Ah well, we must laugh about some aspects of this stressful experience, if and when we can. 

  • My first CT scan was at some anti-social hour, like 7pm or something.  I never got any info about what would happen, like the hot feeling or taste in the mouth, or the wetting yourself.  "Thank god I googled what would happen because I got no info beforehand" I told my husband afterwards.  

    I think they just assumed I'd had CT scans before so didn't bother, because I've had two more since and got the spiel.   Or it was eve and reduced service at that time perhaps LOL

  • I love how they all suddenly disappear out of the room after they have given the contrast to you, I know it is because of the exposure, but, it was still funny when i was kinda trying to see one of them, and it does make you feel warm down there.