Dear Mum

  • 24/06/2014 - Realisations


    Hey mum.

    Things aren't great right now. As usual. 

    Talked to Dad on Friday, I don't know if you were there. It was so hard mum. We finally talked about the 'thing' and I got to tell him some stuff I'd been feeling for a while, remember our conversations mum we use to have? Well I finally did it.

    Conversation wasn't particularly nice. Dad told me explicitly that if it wasn't for me and Em he'd be…

  • 03/03/2014 - Images of you


    Hey mum,

    Just a quick one today, just wanted to let you know that I haven't stopped thinking about you this weekend. I keep seeing your face everywhere. I miss you so much mum. 

    Me and dad had a huge cry together on Friday. He told me some stuff about what you both went through together. It was hard. I haven't processed it properly yet though so I'm not going to say anything about it.

    I miss you mum.


  • 22/02/2014 - Catching Up...


    Hey mum,

    God it feels like it's been so long since I last sent you a message, so much has been happening and I hope you've been around to see. 

    I miss you today mum I think that's why I'm here. I'm really starting to feel that you're not here. All the time. I keep seeing little white feathers everywhere and wonder if you sent them for me. I look for signs from you everywhere but I just don't seem to get them…

  • 06/01/2014 - Headaches


    I feel like everything's going wrong mum. I need you.

    I keep fucking things up and I made Nana cry and ruined the big christmas meal thing and I keep getting things wrong in work and getting pulled into the office and I'm trying so hard but I just keep forgetting things and getting things wrong.

    I feel like I'm pissing everyone off but it's all in my head and Im just being over sensitive but I can't be sure…

  • 12/11/13 - Anniversarys


    Hey mum,

    Last night we went out for a meal with Dutton's mum and dad. It was hard. I was tired and stressed and anxious for some reason. As soon as I got there for some unknown reason, I got really upset because I realised that I was never again going to have a chance to go for a meal with you.

    I'll never get to take you out. I'll never get to go for a meal with you or go shopping or take you out for a drink. It…