12/11/13 - Anniversarys

Less than one minute read time.

Hey mum,

Last night we went out for a meal with Dutton's mum and dad. It was hard. I was tired and stressed and anxious for some reason. As soon as I got there for some unknown reason, I got really upset because I realised that I was never again going to have a chance to go for a meal with you.

I'll never get to take you out. I'll never get to go for a meal with you or go shopping or take you out for a drink. It hit me like a train and at one point I couldn't even look at his mum without starting to cry again.

God I miss you mum. This is getting harder.

The kitchen is going in today hopefully and dad came to work last night to price his final bathroom plans up. He seems to be doing ok mum but he's a shell without you.
