David's cancer story

  • Feeling_Better


    So over many years (about 15-18, since he owned his own house, and moved out from his M&D's) Hubby has built up quite a collection of different Whiskys, his Scottish heritage will be proud of.

    The collection filled 2 1/2 packing boxes when we moved. We won't mention the one I opened and the cork split and went into the bottle - oopsie. Don't worry decanted and put into crystal decanter. We have a Whiskey label…

  • August Update


    Just to let you all know David is feeling a bit better.

    Still hasn't been to the loo yet (no 2's) he is passing water and has been a bit squitty but as the GP said if not much is going in then not much is gonna come out. Too much detail, sorry move on quick.

    He says he still fells full up and constipated, but the waves of pain have died down, not sure if that's due to increasing his steriods, or due to the laxotose…

  • Constipation


    This week David has constipation.

    I appreciate that it is painful, I have suffered from it myself. But I had to get on with everything as normal, cooking, cleaning and looking after the kids.

    David on the other hand, has taken to bed.Groaning about how bad his stomache ache is and not helping himself to get better. He dosen't want to eat or drink because that means moving and pain and nausea.

    He woke me around…

  • August holidays


    So we have been fairly busy over the last few weeks.

    We have had a trip to Diggerland, Monkeyworld and have had a Day out with Thomas at the Watercress Line Steam railway.
    David enjoyed watching the children enjoying themselves, and even managed to partake in as much as possible and enjoy the days out too.

    We have just 2 weeks left, the kids are starting to get on my nerves now that the trips out are starting to reduce…

  • Oncologist appointment - results of CT scan


    So we found out that David hasn't got cancer anywhere else just in his head.

    And I was right that they (the oncologists) thought the brain cancer had gone following the radiotherapy.

    So apart from the detection of these blood clots on David's lungs the CT scan was essentially a waste of time. Apparently cancer patients are at high risk of blood clots in lungs according to research I did on the internet. Not that every…