
1 minute read time.

This week David has constipation.

I appreciate that it is painful, I have suffered from it myself. But I had to get on with everything as normal, cooking, cleaning and looking after the kids.

David on the other hand, has taken to bed.Groaning about how bad his stomache ache is and not helping himself to get better. He dosen't want to eat or drink because that means moving and pain and nausea.

He woke me around 4am on Tuesday morning and was actually being sick mainly bringing up liquid. He normally just makes reaching noises, and doesn't bring anything up since his operation for oesophageal cancer.

He was bad throughout Tuesday, but didn't want to eat or drink anything. Initially he didn't want his steriods in case he couldn't keep them down, but his head was so bad that I insisted he took them for the sake of me and the kids.

Towards Tuesday evening he started to feel a bit better and managed to get comfy and have some sleep. He awoke me on Wednesday around 6am making the reaching noises, but not bringing anything up. Again he didn't want to eat or drink despite my efforts to try and get him to eat as this ultimatly should help him.

Thursday morning I suggested calling the doctor, he said it wasn't worth it. Mostly he slept but still wouldn't eat or drink much.

Friday, still not eating or drinking, can't bear this anymore so called the GP anyway. She has given me a prescription for luxtose so hopefully this will help. Gave him a dose Friday evening, another this morning (Saturday) and a third this evening.

Still complaining of stomach pains, comes over in waves. Hasn't been to the loo. Still not eating or drinking despite the fact that I cooked roasted vegetables tonight.

Men !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't honestly know how much longer I can continue with having to run up and down the stairs to check on him and trying to stop the kids squibbling with each other because my attention is on him.

It wouldn't be so bad if he would at least help himself by trying to eat a little bit, or by keeping his fluids up.


  • You sound exhausted and I hope the kids return to school helps. He is having a rough old time and from what your saying it sounds more than constipation. Have you considered  asking the doctor to visit to see if there is something else that needs treating. It may help you both.

    Kids are a lot of work on their own . Just my thoughts but it sounds a lot for you on your own.

    much love,


  • FormerMember

    The GP is wonderful, and said to get in touch on Monday to let her know how things are.

    If he still hasn't had a motion, then she will come out to see him.

    If I get concerned I can call the emergency doctor or an ambulance. But going to hospital has it's own problems, he won't want to go, I will need to take the 3 children with me to visit him. To be honest we have had enough of hospitals, and the extortionate car parking fees.

    He has not that long ago had a full body scan which only showed blood clots in his lungs. So it most likely is constipation.

    Just want it to hurry up and pass now, as he dosn't like me going out and leaving him for too long, and I need to go out and get food and other shopping for the kids return to school - why do they have to grow during the summer holidays?

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sue,

    The constipation eating thing is a vicious circle mum has had a hard time with this too, think the pain relief meds are to blame they gave her laxatives they didn't work so they gave her picolax that didn't work in the end they resorted to ex-prep... that worked she went more times in one day than she has for the past month!!!

    Good thing is since then she has found her appetite again still feels queasy again I blame that on the pain meds. So ask the Drs if they can perscribe something stronger in the hope it helps.

    Keep well Helen xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sue, having suffered constipation due to chemotherapy I can really sympathise with your hubby. I have never experienced anything like that in my life. If he is still suffering later today I would phone NHS 24 and get some advice because it really is horrendous.

    Sometimes the pain meds can cause constipation so perhaps they need to be looked at.

    Hope things improve for you both soon.

    My thoughts are with you both.

    Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sue, you are being so strong and must be totally worn out. I am finding it hard as my mum has just had stroke and is 2 hours drive away and i have 3 teenage daughters and am single mum but its worse for you. At the end of the day you must look after yourself too so please make sure you eat and sleep well.

    Take care Love Kaz x