David's cancer story

  • Planning the Funneral


    We have registered the death and been to the funeral directors to arrange all the required paperwork. We have confirmed the date.

    Now I just need to sort out the music, never been my strongest point. I'm more of a "if I hear a song I like I get it" kinda person rather than intro who sings what.


    Thank goodness for the internet!


    The Hymns I have chosen are:
                                                                    In Heavenly love Abiding
                                                                    Lord of all Hope…

  • Hubby passed Away


    Well, as the other one seemed to work, here goes with the second one.


    Because hubby was getting very agitated he was prescribed Medazipan, which I keep calling Marzipan!

    This helped to make hubby relaxed by Friday and not agitated. The nurses also informed me on Friday that hubby is struggling to swallow and is no longer eating or drinking anything.

    Friday and Saturday he would open one eye but not for long, drifting…

  • Nearing the End


    Hoping I have done this right, and it should appear in my Blog for Davids_cancer_Story.

    Thank you to James Burnettfor helping to point me in the right direction and get my blog. I couldn't even remember exactly what I had called it.

    Because I did this blog already, I am going to be brave and try and do 2 blog posts. Fingers crossed.

    So last Tuesday David's headache was worse and they increased his steroids and…

  • What a couple of Weeks!

    Having spent time writting comments on several blogs, when I went back to check for updates none of my comments were there. AAAARRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHH. I did log a technical report, and got a message saying I should be able to now, but still didn't seem to be able to. Just tried again this evening, and my comment appeared, hooray.
    During the week after I got in from dropping the kids at school about 11am, no wonder I…
  • Ups and Downs

    I wrote a blog, but didn't realise the site was down again last night, so when I published it, it disappeared into the ether lost forever as I didn't copy before publishing. Note: Must copy blog before publishing in case it gets lost.
    Managed to come downstairs for 4 days in a row, defiantly feeling better as asking for cups of tea and glasses of Whisky.
    Until Friday, when hubby felt tired and just wanted to…