August holidays

1 minute read time.

So we have been fairly busy over the last few weeks.

We have had a trip to Diggerland, Monkeyworld and have had a Day out with Thomas at the Watercress Line Steam railway.
David enjoyed watching the children enjoying themselves, and even managed to partake in as much as possible and enjoy the days out too.

We have just 2 weeks left, the kids are starting to get on my nerves now that the trips out are starting to reduce so that I can get things organised to go back to school. Why oh why can't they just be nice to each other, why do they have to fight with each other.


Kids behaviour is not helped by the fact that on a good day David backs me up when the kids start squabbling amongst themselves, and on a bad day tells me off for trying to sort out the squabbles in front of them.

On a bad day, he complains of headaches, and tells everyone off for making lots of noise and shouting, the kids are just playing making normal kid noise and no one is paticularly shouting. Just must seem louder to him, because of the headache.


  • FormerMember

    won't let me comment arrgghh! tyr again....

    Glad you enjoyed some trips out and only 2 weeks to go.. can you palm them off on someone for a day or two? I reckon you could also spend a week buying pencils...

    Little My x

  • FormerMember

    Have been arranging play dates with friends for them, when the weather is good.

    My Mum and Dad both are not in good health, and my sister and her hubby both work. But they have been stars and been taking days off work to help with trips out.

    My brother-in-law took the day off last Thursday to look after all 3 kids and hubby so I could go to a craft event with my mum. My sister couldn't get the day off, but came over when she finished work. He then took my middle child (aged 8) out to a football match. Very late night for everyone, but a good time had by all. As my sister and the other two played computer games well past bedtime.

    They don't need pencils for school as they are still at primary school, but whenever I take them shopping it's always "I want" "I want" "I want", to which I reply "put it on your christmas list".

    Then can never remember what they wanted when it comes to buying christmas presents - lol.

  • FormerMember

    Phew, Sue... I think you really do need to come over here! seriously, I do think you need a bit of time to yourself somehow along the way or you will be exhausted and go mental!

    Is there any chance of getting a macmillan nurse or something to give you a break? and no, I don't mean so you can look after the kids, but a proper break doing something nice just for yourself?

    Wish I could come round and look after them all for you for an afternoon...

    Big hug to you

    Little My xxx