Oncologist appointment - results of CT scan

1 minute read time.

So we found out that David hasn't got cancer anywhere else just in his head.

And I was right that they (the oncologists) thought the brain cancer had gone following the radiotherapy.

So apart from the detection of these blood clots on David's lungs the CT scan was essentially a waste of time. Apparently cancer patients are at high risk of blood clots in lungs according to research I did on the internet. Not that every one with cancer will get them, or that every one with blood clots will get cancer.

The member of the oncologist team that we saw said that there wasn't really any further treatment options thatthey could offer for David and said we wouldn't need any further appointments to see them, but they will always be at the end of a phone should we need them. - Which is great news, and what we had expected them to say the last time we visited just cost us another £12 in parking fees and 2 further visits to be told.

The kids are off school now for 6 weeks, so I have planned some excursions so that we can make the most of the time we have left with David as a family.

