Daughter to a lymphoma Mum

  • Wednesday..........not as full of woe as you are lead to believe!


    Well today brings, as expected, mixed news.............

    Mum has had her results and things are not as bad as could be which is a big yeah! The cancer has infiltrated her bone marrow and she is also suffering from very dry skin, has had a lump develop and overly active sinuses (i.e. she’s a snot monster in our words, having had a cold since November and it is showing no signs of shifting). They have said that they want…

  • Tick-tock.........impatient countdown


    Well we are on countdown to Wednesday. Mum will get her test results and treatment plan. It seems like the longest time until then I am a wreck. I dread to think how she is feeling about it. She never really lets on exactly what is going on in her head and I can’t blame her for that. I do know that she feels out of control and her life is in the hands of others, which for my Mum the ex-nurse control freak is not…

  • A wobbly Wednesday


    Need a self indulgent moan today – this is more to get it out of me than have replies / kick the cat / moan at hubbie by the way. Well Mum will get her results in a week’s time and I having a wobble. Think it has been kicked off by chatting to another mum at school who’s a nurse (fatal talking to someone with medical knowledge at times).

    Anyway I am just hoping things will be fine. Planning on taking…

  • The potted history


    Hello - I am new to this. I need a "safe" place to put some structure and sense to my feelings and thoughts and I ended up here. My Mum was diagnosed with small lymphocytic lymphoma in August 2009. They (as in the medical folks she saw) had thought it was a bad cold, overactive glands, pneumonia and finally Swine Flu (that was whilst in France) and then it was finally diagnosed as cancer. It did not come as a total…